sarah sitting on top of a desk smiling at the camera

This month, I learned an important lesson.

Something I agreed to last week moved me away from my mission.

At first, I was ecstatic and full of hope. When the buzz wore off, I realized it was only a dazzling diversion.

I only said yes because I needed affirmation (and, by the way, when we seek external validation, we are immediately at the whim of other people’s agendas—another topic I’ve already touched on).

I was searching for validation for something I already understood deep inside.

I’d want to emphasize that this isn’t serious, and there’s no danger to me!

That’s all well and good, but my progress toward “where I want to go” has slowed a little this month. My time has been wasted on things that aren’t related to my aim throughout the last week.

When creating something you genuinely desire, such as a new business, you must be laser-focused and steadfast in your pursuit.

You must be highly selective about where you spend your time and attention. Because what you concentrate on expands. And if you want your firm to thrive, you must concentrate your efforts on the activities that generate profits.

This entails saying yes to what you need to do but also saying no to what is outside of your aim.

Don’t worry if you get off course like I did, though!

Get back on track as quickly as possible and add that to your list of things that will NOT get you any closer to your goal.

Every day, ask yourself, “What is keeping me from where I need to be?”

Recognize the actual cost of being distracted and diverting your focus to things that do not serve your true purpose.

Sarah, xo