So, I wanted to make a post about the day in the life of an ads manager.

My mornings start at about 7:00 AM. Honestly, I achieve absolutely nothing without coffee so naturally, that’s the first thing I do.

Secondly, I feed the kids breakfast, pack their lunches, and then my workday begins.

Afterward, I come up to my office, which is my little serene space. 

It’s where all the Zoom calls, client calls, and sales calls take place. 

All the work happens up here! 

A fair amount of my time is spent in the ad’s manager. It’s where we set up the ads, run the ads and monitor the ads for clients.

In the beginning, I did it all myself.

Now, I have a team! 

However, a fair amount of team management is required, which I didn’t have at the beginning. 

This is very normal when you’re just starting as an Ads Manager! 

One of the best parts about being your own boss is being able to go outside for some fresh air whenever needed.

I’ll stay outside, I’ll walk, I’ll run, I’ll workout out on the Peloton. Suddenly,  I have the time for fitness that was never possible before.

Working from home and making this transition is truly one of the best things I’ve ever done and I haven’t regretted it for even a single second.

Sarah, xo